Really enjoyed this article. It was concise and several great points. I have an overall question that I'd love to get advice on. I'm a Director of Software Engineering. I've read several articles, posts, etc. on developer productivity and the do's and don't's. What I can't seem to get good information or advice on is what exactly are good goals around productivity. Some leaders look at the 4 key DORA metrics and say something like...that's our goal, improve out DORA metrics. That to me falls right into the Goodhart's Law trap. But, I see why people would want to set a goal around them especially higher-level leaders. I see DORA metrics more as trailing indicators. If improving DORA metrics isn't the goal, what are some goal examples to explore? Reading this article, I would think something like a goal around reducing friction should be the goal (or one of a set of goals) and the DORA metrics should improve over time. So the goal/focus is reducing friction, not increasing DORA metrics. That leads me to my final question, what if we make material reductions in friction and the DORA metrics don't improve? Appreciate any advice and/or links to information. Thanks

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Kevin, what's a good email to contact you at? We're working on clear guidance on this and would love to share drafts with you and get your thoughts.

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I checked for an email and didn't see one. Let me know. Thanks

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